Posted by Jason Ibrahim
Today's Altoona Mirror reports on a jilted boyfriend, Joseph B. Olecki, who went on a rampage with his employer's AK-47, firing shots into residences in Altoona and Scranton. Inexplicably, the Mirror also had a companion piece on the popularity of AK-47's and AK-15's, right next to the Olecki story, front page, top fold. Here's what confuses me about this:
- The first impression of the front page is the large-type headline "Desperate, Lovesick Man" with a large photo of a man holding a semi-automatic gun directly underneath it. Only by reading the caption do you find out that the gun-toting individual is not Olecki, but John Patton, the manager of East Coast Gun Sales, a local gun retailer. Olecki's mug shot, meanwhile, is a small photo, about a square inch, off to the left. To me, this implies that guns, and not Olecki, are the most significant angle in this situation.
- The Olecki article also brings out the fact that Olecki's employer, Wayne Farabaugh, kept his guns at work to prevent them from harming his children--only to have his weapons stolen by Olecki for his own murderous purposes. The message--again, only a faint implication--is that gun ownership is irresponsible because someone will ultimately get hurt.
I have to hand it to the Mirror: this form of subtle commentary is much more subdued than some of the hit pieces against gun ownership that one sees in the big-city newspapers, but I don't think the Mirror is off the hook. If they want to editorialize about the dangers of the Second Amendment, they have a section for that--and it's not the front page.
That's my opinion; what's yours?
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